Pentagon Goes Android

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Pentagon Picks Android O/S:

With Apples close eye on security, some may ask, why the hell would the US Department of Defence and the Pentagon go for Android?

Android Pentagon

Android Pentagon

Yes, according to a report by Android Authority it seems that the Google owned Operating System fits the bill for the US DoD headquarters.

So why not Apple’s iOS:

The reality is, Apple are so controlling with their O/S that it would have been difficult to install third party bespoke security software to work on the iOS platform, and this is were the Android O/S offers more options.

There will be certain conditions to the Android O/S making an appearance on Pentagon hardware, with one being that the hardware used will have to be already running version 2.2 “Froyo” at the very least, this appears to be considered safe enough, with Dell’s, Dell Venue, currently offering the perfect solution it would appear.

Pentagon’s decision

“Pentagon has approved that a version of Android will run on a Dell hardware. This approval truly sets Android a breed apart its rivals – including its biggest competition, the iPhone. The reason why iOS was disapproved is because Apple had a very tight control on its platform. As such, installing DoD discovered that installing third-party security software is not possible with Apple devices.”

With Blackberry’s currently deemed the only smartphone device of choice for many businesses who have security at the back of their mind, and that fits in with a security conscious establishment such as the pentagon, there are now rumours that the DoD are going to be looking much closer at a trial of Android based devices that will be tuned to be fit for purpose for the DoD while in attack mode. Apple iPhones were deemed to dangerous with the fact that Apple can track the phones….and they tend to burst into flames while on flights..;)

Do you think that the US DoD is worried about the future of blackberry and RIM in general, and want to ensure that they are not reliant on hardware and software that may become redundant soon?

Or do you see other reason(s) why the US DoD has decided to give Android a go?

Anthony Munns