Some gadgets that never really became much of anything

Gadgets That Never Really Took Off

People have had some weird and some wonderful ideas for gadgets and while some have stood the test of time and become quite useful, or at least popular, others have never really taken off. Some gadgets, on the other hand, have been simply incredible but never lasted long because something much better came along.

Great gadgets tend to be useful and make sense but there have been many that were simply pointless or just did not live up to expectations. Here are some of the oddest gadgets that never took off, some of which were incredibly popular for a very short time, before falling flat.

The Razor Phone of 2009

A Chinese manufacturer released the Razr Phone in 2009 which was a mobile phone with an electric razor built into it.

The electric razor head was built into the bottom of the phone where it could be hidden under a plastic covering. When the battery was fully charged it had the ability to power one full shave. It is highly doubtful this gadget ever really took off at all.

The Sony MiniDisc of 1992

When the Sony MiniDisc first came about in 1992 it was amazing and boasted many advantages over CD and tape. The MiniDisc was smaller, it was tougher and it did not skip ever. Unlike most of Sony’s other technology, the MiniDisc was licensed to other manufacturers. The Sony MiniDisc was the future.

Unfortunately, the MiniDisc didn’t last long because shortly after, the CDR arrived and then the MP3. By the time the iPod came about in 2001, it was game over for the Sony MiniDisc. Fortunately for Sony they have several other successful products both released and upcoming, that more than made up for any flops.

Windows SideShow for Windows Vista

In the run up to the launch of Windows Vista came an intriguing feature called the Windows SideShow. This was technology created to power an auxiliary screen which could display certain information without having to boot up Windows.

This extra mini screen allowed for simple tasks such as checking the laptop’s battery power for when you were enjoying games at Gaming Club NZ, to playing music, but it never took off. The technology was however still included in Windows 7 but needed compatible hardware to be utilised.

Microsoft Smart Personal Object Technology

In 2002, Microsoft SPOT launched as technology that could add software to everyday items such as pens, clocks and key chains. This technology saw things such as coffee makers that displayed the weather reports and smart alarm clocks but never really took off.

Microsoft SPOT technology was discontinued in 2008 because mobile apps were on the rise and offered greater potential.

The Amstrad Emailer by Alan Sugar

Alan Sugar, a man who claimed the iPod would not succeed, was the creator of the Amstrad Emailer. It was an idea from the 1990’s that was launched in 2000 as a land line telephone with a built in keyboard that could send emails.

Perhaps technological advances and the exorbitant costs for usage of the Amstrad Emailer saw its demise but, it was a massive failure that costs millions in the end. They can still be found for sale on the internet but today’s mobile technology can do everything the Amstrad emailer could and much more.

